Tobacco Regulatory, Experimental & Clinical Science Lab

Amy Wedel, B.A.
Oklahoma Tobacco Research Center Research Technician

Oklahoma Tobacco Research Center Summer Scholar 2016

Amy Wedel is a recent graduate of Oberlin College, where she studied psychology and conducted research on e-cigarette use for weight management. During the summer of 2016, she was an Oklahoma Tobacco Research Center Summer Scholar under Dr. Wagener, looking at pregnant smokers’ interest in smoking cessation products. Her research interests include e-cigarettes, comorbid substance use and eating pathology, and adolescent substance use. She is currently working as a research technician at the Oklahoma Tobacco Research Center under Dr. Francesco Versace.


B. A. – Psychology – Oberlin College

Current Grant Funding:

Recent Publications and Presentations:

Morean, M., & Wedel, A. V. (under review). Vaping to lose weight: Predictors of adult e-cigarette use for weight management.

Wedel, A. V., & Morean, M. (March 2016). E-juice or fruit juice: A novel, forced-choice product paradigm based on health, weight concerns, and price. Poster presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting for the Society of Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.

Wedel, A. V., Rodgers, C., & Steinberg, E. (May 2015). Attachment style and perceptions of social support in adolescent romantic relationships. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Cleveland Psychological Association.